Burning Wheel

by MarianoDiez • Uploaded: Mar. 20 '10


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Description: Just a simple and clean icon for a burning wheel.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 11111

Lets Discuss

kathariney Mar. 20 '10

it looks a bit %22thin%22 as a wheel in my opinion. I like where is this heading, but almost want to see a bit something more on the wheel.

JoePrince Mar. 20 '10

I like where it's heading too. Katharine is right though, the wheel is overall too thin. Not sure how well the perspective on the wheel and flames match though...seems a little off to me.

Jeiji Mar. 20 '10

The wheel's perspective seems abit off, but I like the mark.

dannygdammit Mar. 20 '10

Well, I think the thickness of the wheel is fine.. If it was a dragster tire, I'd agree that it'd have to be thicker, but for ricers a thin tire is often more favored. I think the lighter grey inside could appear a bit thicker though.. if that inside, middle point in the crescent was bumped more to the left I think you'd be golden. I like this!

mariano diez Mar. 21 '10

Thank you all for the comments!*Two things to say:*-It's true there's a little problem with perspective.*-The wheel looks thin because it's not a dragster tire.*Thanks


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