Wine Design

by Mariano • Uploaded: Jun. 25 '09


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Description: Against of the plagiarism in wine labels design
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2384

Lets Discuss

tass Jun. 27 '09

sorry, but i am not sure it's a good solution, as even it is written something else the look and the fact that you have the same first letters will make it read as walt disney, so you'll have only to loose going with this. IMO.

mariano Jun. 29 '09

Thanks for your opinion. This work is a part of a cartel: %22Against of the plagiarism in wine labels design%22. So, %22wine design%22 is written (as a plagiarism) like %22walt disney%22 (is only an excuse for plagiarism)...

Arkthus Feb. 14 '14

Actually there is something interesting in this...

Wine has the same number of letters as Walt
Design has the same number of letters as Disney


Just sayin' x)


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