by Logomotive • Uploaded: Oct. 07 '09
Minimalistic Logo concept done a few years ago for a Communications Co. Client chose another design.
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Really great, as usual. 90%25 of businesspeople outside this industry don't know the true value of an incredibly simple logo, but I'm sure that's preaching to choir.
ReplyHa. And I thought I've seen all possible P/D combinations :-)
Reply@Chad, True! Ya know the longer you design though, the more clients put %22trust%22 in your design work. I'm finding that out in my later years.*@epslion, ha ha that's kinda comforting coming form you :) even though they chose another.
ReplyI once had a similar idea in 05 however sans the filled counter so it would read DP instead.
Replybeautifully done
Replycool dache.*Thanks birofunk.
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