Slopeski branding 2

by Logomotive • Uploaded: May. 13 '09


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Description: Variation branding for Slopeski.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2774

Lets Discuss

l-emental designs May. 13 '09

Makes me want to go boarding. Nice mark and overall design.

logomotive May. 13 '09

Thanks l-emental designs I need to do that also go snowboarding. Get away from this design BS.

l-emental designs May. 13 '09

Sometimes a good jibb session leads to inspiration or at least a break from adobe.

OcularInk May. 14 '09

A great and simple solution, Mike. If you decide to go, pack me in your suitcase. I missed out on the snow this year. :-(

itsgareth May. 14 '09

I'm up for some shredding :)

logotivity May. 14 '09

this one is defiantly a double black diamond, the slope looks like an S as well..

logomotive May. 14 '09

Thanks we'll all hit the slopes.

epsilon May. 14 '09

Shape-wise this looks like an %22Oscar%22 signal from a nautical flag signaling language .. which is actually quite fitting as it stands for %22man overBOARD%22 :-)

logomotive May. 15 '09

%5EDUDE, NOT even close to the same and I never saw your slope logo. But all cool I guess.

lundeja May. 15 '09

You know, Mike I really wasn't gonna say anything, but then Toni chimed in with his and I said to myself %22I don't deserve this either...%22 Anyway what I'm getting at is, I did the exact same concept like 3 months ago man and I just can't let you steal it from me like this. There you have it. I'm sick of it, you've ripped at least 3 of mine and it's getting way old. Here's the link:**%22

logomotive May. 15 '09

LOl sorry bud. But yours is a %22short slope%22 or Bunny hill.


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