by LogoBoom • Uploaded: Mar. 05 '08
Personal identity.
Client work
logo design
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Yeah there is some similarity. Too close?
Replywhat does it look like without the nose?
ReplyProbably a noseless face. I dunno actually, I'll find out.
ReplyI love this, because if someone had described this logo to me I would have laughed and been unable to imagine halfway as cool as you've come up with! I like the type, too.
ReplyThanks abeall.**I'm still playing around with the type but I do like the bold GO to sell the double meaning of a logo boom and to go boom! I'm not 100%25 on the font yet though. But as always, designing for myself is way down on the priority list of to dos.
ReplyI love youre logo is very funny hehe
ReplyThanks rick!
Replyhello, you have a very nice showcase.**also i was wondering how do you manage to change your user name?, iv'e noticed you appear as both gthobbs and logoboom, and I was curious how you could do that :p**anyways, cool logo! :) cheers!
ReplyThank you hit. I had to have the site administrator change my user name.
ReplyHello fellow Logoponders. I am honored to join the ranks of others you might recognize from our adventures here on the Pond with an interview at:****Give us a read!
ReplyCongrats Glen. A very interesting read and it looks like your daughter might be following in her father's footsteps %3B)
ReplyFor crying out loud, what's it going to take to get Glen's showcase featured on the Pond? Does anyone else ever wonder why he hasn't been featured yet? Blows my mind! Great read, Glen. Thanks for letting us get in your head for sec.
Reply%22My mom used to ask me how I could keep coming up with new ideas. I explained that every client has a unique need. It’s like a math. You never run out of answers because every problem has it’s own solution. But then again, not so rigid as math because with design, every problem can have a million solutions. I just have to find one of them that works.%22**I found this excerpt to be particularly intelligent, but also enjoyed the interview as a whole. Very honest answers - no smoke and mirrors like you'll find with a lot of those more %22God's gift to design%22-types of whom I won't name... for now :)
ReplyYeah, very interesting reading. Nice to get inside a logo designers head - and yours seem to be an interesting one. Congrats - and a vote from me too :)
ReplyThank you Glen. That was very inspirational. I still can't get over your daughter's design, the imagination of kids amaze me.
ReplyThe story of your daughter is so cool. reminder to look at things with a child's mind
ReplyReally cool read Glen, man your so down to earth, i loved your answer to what makes a good logo designer, so true!! that's something i miss from school, in the real designers world egos run a muck. ps. i don't think you need votes to get showcased its just a matter of time :)
ReplyI didn't think anybody would actually go read it!*Thank you guys for the great responses.**
ReplyP.S. @ Oc...that's a dangerous place to be. Get out quick!
ReplyOF Course Glen, we all love you :)
Replywatch the power I have around here!**LOGOBOOM GETS THE NEXT FEATURE ON LOGOPOND, PRONTO!**thx,**mgmnt
Replyincase my lil outcry goes nowhere, good luck with everything and its nice to see you blowing up my friend
ReplyDude, you're scaring us! :)
Replyyeah..I can see how that could be scary bbbbbut he's the one with the bomb :%7C
ReplyAND a short fuse! Thank you for the fanatical support raja.
ReplyGlen its just a matter of time my friend! and you are dabomb! Your daughter is amazing and I absolutely enjoyed your interview. You are down to earth and mega talented but you are modest, kind and generous with your time. Logo pond wouldn't be the same without you IMO! FEATURE LOGOBOOM!
Replythumbs up!
ReplyWow, I didn't expect to hear so many nice things said about me until I was dead. And even's iffy.**Thanks Ashley and dbunk!
Replyguys!... deploy the hitman first!!!... OK... who forgot?.. who?
ReplyLOL that's what that tiny red light is.
Replylove the movement sensation in this one %3B)
ReplyThank you Madelein.
ReplyCongrats on the feature Glen...well deserved to say the least. Keep it up bud.
ReplyYeah, one of the most versatile designers on the Pond! Don't let this spoil you Glen, keep them coming! :) Gratz mate!
ReplyCongrats Glen! I thought you've featured before... At least once... :)
ReplyI really admire you work mate!! Congrats on the feature!!
Replyg8 work buddy...keep inspiring people...:)
ReplyGlad to see they've featured your work. Congrats Glen!
ReplyCongrats, Glen, well deserved, buddy!
ReplyGlen, good to see you featured,well deserved.
Reply...wait till he finds out its an April Fools prank :s**%3B)
ReplyRight on, dude!
ReplyCongrats Glen!
ReplyGlen, congratulate, I hope you march in succeed.
ReplyThanks to everyone for the nice comments! Except nido %3B) Actually, I didn't even know I was featured until nido emailed me. So I thought I'd better hop on and enjoy my 15 minutes. It's an honor to be considered with other's of such great talent. Much appreciation to my logo pond compadres and to David for both the feature and for letting us all swim in his pond.
Replyquick David... now change it!
ReplyNot until April Fool's day is over at midnight Mountain Standard Time.
Reply%5E congrats on the showcase.
Reply%5E meant to say feature!
ReplyThanks mcD.
ReplyStone me, David strung that one out. Congrats %3B)
ReplyThanks Roy! We'll stone you later.
ReplyCongrats Glen, well deserved!! :)
Replycongrat! your works rock!
ReplyCongrats friend! :D
ReplyThanks Hayes, gary, alter, David and Dado! It's an honor.
ReplyCongrats, Glen. I actually thought you had been featured already, so I guess you could say this is well-deserved :)
ReplyBetter late than never :-)
ReplyThank you Jared / Alex!
ReplyCongrats Glen, well deserved :)
ReplyGracias EZ.
ReplyWow, you're the last one to be featured. I wonder what's in store?
ReplyYay Glen! I'm kind of excited about whatever is coming up next.
ReplyCongrats on the feature Glen!
ReplyI'm sure David won't use it for advertising space. Maybe a featured project in the Behance style?
ReplyI think it's just going to be a big picture of me.
Reply%5E LOL! Congrats again Glen.
Replycongrats for the feature, mate!
Reply@ gareth / andreiu: Thank you!
ReplyWell thank you Anthony, anthony, anthony. I sincerely appreciate that.
ReplyCongrats, Glen.
ReplyWord wize.
ReplyCongrats on the feature mr.Glen! Well deserved.
Replyexcellent work, how do you change the background color on illustator cs4 and can a gradient be used as background color also.
ReplyKudos Mr. Boom!, how do you make a ...... oh never mind :)
ReplyThanks rokac and javaap! And @mrizzle: you should probably do a tutorial.
Reply@mrizzle1991: whaaaaa?
Replycongrats on the feature
ReplyThank you cerise!
ReplyCongratulations mate!
ReplyCongrats Glen! Very well deserved!
ReplyCongrats Glen! Well deserved man! I also thought you were there long time ago! Cheers!
ReplyThanks guys.*@ bojan: I guess it's a high compliment that a lot of folks assumed I was already featured. I'll take it that way anyway %3B-)
ReplyI like it! Little bit inverse of LG logo!
ReplyThanks Agencija.
Replybetter late than never, Congratulations!!
ReplyI'm always late to the party. Thanks Alex!
ReplyHaha! Was the inspiration for this logo %22Speedee%22, McDonald's first mascot? %3B)*
ReplyYep. I make logos and burgers with mystery meat %3B-)
ReplyHi Logoboom, you commented on my 'explogo' logo indicating it was a similar idea. **Based on this, I'm just trying to get in touch to ask if you would be interested in buying the domain name **I'm not a domain trader it's just that I've accumulated almost 20 over the last year from 'flash in the pan' ideas that I've had and I just don't need them. If you're not interested do you know of any easy ways to sell domain names?**I'm not trying to get rich, i've just seen the light (with the help of my wife)!**Cheers. (p.s., sorry if this is counted as spamming - please feel free to delete if it is... just couldn't see a way to PM?)
ReplyHey no problem youstart....I think I'm good on the url front. It is a cool name though. Good luck!*
ReplyThanks logoboom!
ReplyI'm digging your identity, buddy. Really explosive.
ReplyThanks simon. I'm glad it's not a bomb...wait...
ReplyThank you fellas.
ReplyThanks Teresa!
ReplyI have had a couple people ask about voice overs. Do you still do that?
Reply@Logomotive I'm on a recent hiatus. Switched my CD roll after 11 years to a new company and new industry (complex with a lot to learn). I should probably try to crank it back up. I love and miss it!
ReplyNow we're all wondering what Glen's voice sounds like.
Reply@OcularInk Well you can listen to some samples but you still won't know what it sounds like:
I think I heard you somewhere before :) convincing voice Glen!
Reply@logoholik chances are you have!
Replywell now i know what you look like :D
Reply@ClimaxDesigns I have the perfect face for radio
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