Brain Ranger

by LogoBoom • Uploaded: Feb. 15 '08


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Description: Software development company
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4622

Lets Discuss

Lucidity Feb. 15 '08

I don't know what it is, but the guy's head looks a little odd.

gthobbs Feb. 15 '08

He's an astronaut. His head is a helmet.

Lucidity Feb. 15 '08

I know, but I still think it looks a little off.

gthobbs Feb. 15 '08

Might need defined a bit more rather than the highlight completely blowing out the contour.

Lawrence Anderson Mar. 02 '08

I think the weirdness in the helmet might be coming from the %22glass%22 part growing larger as it gets closer to the light. I like the concept though.

logoboom Aug. 09 '12

Looking back at this years later...the guys above are right. The visor is jacked up. Bugs me. Oh well I believe the company went under.


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