by Lihamuki • Uploaded: Dec. 31 '08
This logo is for foster home on countryside. Verso translated means sprout or seedling.
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I like to see it in a simpler form or solid color, I kinda like it though!
ReplyI like it. I think people get to rapped up in simple vector graphics.*I love to see illustrative qualities brought back into modern logo design.*That is something that has been lost in the last 30 years or more.
Replylooks good and i like your application.. i think you should listen to Kode and keep the leaves coming off the O%0D*%0D*the grass thing has been done before.. given the look i would say you recently tested out this tutorial:%0D*%0D*
ReplyThank you for the comments.**I think you guys are right - now it is a bit too complex for multipurpose use. It was a quick job to be done and is used on clients website. I might work this further if client needs it somewhere else.**For now case is closed and i got paid.**And DeathRightz: You got me there.. for the grassy look I browsed through many sites containing photoshopped, grassy images.
ReplyI really like this logo and it is similar to something I was imagining. If you are taking on work please let me know.**[email protected]
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