Music In Space

by Koma • Uploaded: May. 17 '10


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Description: Music Publisher
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4412

Lets Discuss

birofunk May. 17 '10

very the illo!

andreiu May. 17 '10

the mark is cool, but the type doesn't really fit in there IMO.

koma May. 17 '10

thanks, but may I ask why? the type should be bold, legible on very small prints and I think the look it's pretty classic with round corners and a little twist. the client approved it today but I can change it a little bit if I could get some clear arguments. thanks again!

Lecart May. 17 '10

Could be the type is too heavy and bossy for the thin lines and smooth curves you got going on the mark. I think it fits, however, as a whole.**Oh, and where is the grungyness mate? :))

koma May. 17 '10

thin lines maybe, but the astronaut dude %22as a whole%22 is a fat chubby floatin' son-of-a-beee :))**today it was a good day, I didn't have to use my grungy ak :))

Mad Skimo May. 17 '10

I really like the mark and %22the whole%22 logo.*I dont have any problem with the type, it fits well!*Good work Koma!

Chad Sanderson May. 17 '10

I think the type goes perfectly. Love the astro (naut) illo!

tass Jun. 09 '10

The floating trumpet is a killer :)), love it!


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