
by Jurcek • Uploaded: Feb. 25 '11


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Description: Self service wash systems. Did u notice letter "a" in the mark?
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Viewed: 9583

Lets Discuss

sdijock Feb. 25 '11

Can't say I noticed the %22a%22 in the mark, but I can say I noticed the uncanny resemblance to this logo:*

megashred13 Feb. 25 '11

well they're both elephants spraying themselves with water but i think they both have their differences...

cresk Feb. 25 '11

Hmm, have to agree with Steve here. Yes, both are elephants who share the same kind of standpoint / position. Even the choice of neutral colours looks a bit of the same.**However, I think the combination of type and mark really works well here. I also think that if you rework this mark just a little bit more, you could have an original gem here with even smarter use of the negative space, because I can't find a clear 'a' in there either.

cresk Feb. 25 '11

Other then that, I still really like this logo.

nps152 Feb. 26 '11

Who cares! Overall they are both great logos done very well! I mean I see both sides of the story but, I think there is no problem! Keep it up man!

sdijock Mar. 01 '11

@nps152 - Who cares? Well, possibly the designer of the other elephant logo for one. I'm not saying that this is a direct rip of the other logo, but they are remarkably similar in both subject matter and style, wouldn't you agree? I've personally had logo designs either stolen or %22borrowed%22 in the past and being on the receiving end isn't much fun, trust me.**With that said, this is a great logo, as is the other logo - I'm not arguing that. But the similarities between the two logos just seemed a bit close to me. If both designers don't have an issue with it then enough said.

jerron Mar. 01 '11

I didn't care for the first one, now there has to be another?

jurcek Mar. 02 '11

i honestly apologize to mateusz turbinski..i never ment to steal or barrow an idea from him..i saw his logo for the first time. im gonna rethink the whole concept and design a new, different offence.%0D*@jerron tnx for the support..

jerron Mar. 03 '11

Yours is better by the way.

jurcek Mar. 05 '11

@cresk its called sarcasm..

Bernd Jun. 21 '11

boah - what a great mark ...

hanuman shakti Sep. 05 '11

nice buddy :) love the logogram!

bazyl Jul. 31 '12

Elephant is great, simple and clear :)


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