by JuliusSeniunas • Uploaded: Feb. 11 '13


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Description: Luxurious design brand. Whole typeface made from 3 shapes.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3782
Tags: wordmark symbol sriram letters

Lets Discuss

wizemark Feb. 11 '13

M and A are brilliant.. R is also cool.. not sure about I and, especially S - it seems that there`s space for some improvement, IMO..

julius seniunas Feb. 11 '13

Hey, yea have been working a lot on those. S is intended to commemorate the shape of the snake, that it is why it is without the serif ;)

julius seniunas Feb. 13 '13

also the main priority was to create type using just 3 shapes ;)

nydesign Feb. 18 '13

I think it looks awesome except that for me A and M needs more work than anything else.


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