Schertz EDC Logo

by JuanBarrera • Uploaded: Apr. 11 '11


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Description: Logo proposal for the economic development council of City of Schertz.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6563

Lets Discuss

AEM Design Jul. 28 '11

Great work. Love the feel of motion you've captured. well done.

megashred13 Jul. 28 '11

This is cool! I'd love to see a version done up with nothing but black, grey and white though.

cnasshan Jul. 28 '11

This is nice. I would like to know more on the choice of the color scheme thought.

JuanBarrera Aug. 18 '11

Thanks for the comments. This was one option that did not see the light of day, never got to play much with colors.

atomicvibe Aug. 18 '11

%5EBummer. I really like this one.


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