Sixceed Inc.

by JippyRinaldi • Uploaded: Oct. 06 '10


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Description: WIP.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2862

Lets Discuss

jippy rinaldi Oct. 06 '10

Thanks Lecart. I decided to remove the cloud and add terracotta as primary background color.

Lecart Oct. 07 '10

now if you mention it, i was a bit against the cloud, and now i feel the .com is a bit distracting, doesn't fit in with the overall style, it seems like it's dropped there.

jippy rinaldi Oct. 07 '10

I get your point. The bad news, the idea to put .com was mine. I'll work it out without throw it away.

ahmetbarin Oct. 14 '10

Very nice work has been in your hand health.*What a great name of the font?

jippy rinaldi Oct. 23 '10

its a custom type ahmet :)


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