Sysop Logo

by JayKay • Uploaded: May. 12 '08 - Gallerized: May. '08


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Description: Logo for an IT services company. Mark represents a server stack and the companies initials.
As seen on: -
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 9202

Lets Discuss

Muamer May. 13 '08

Jay man this is very nice :) but I think ends of the S and G lines must be different follow the right end left sides of the S and G. I hope you understand me :)))

Lawrence Anderson May. 13 '08

Before I even read the description I guessed server company :-)

janzabransky May. 14 '08

I love symbol/mark its brilliant but I dont like chosen font very much. But as logo still very good.

JayKay May. 14 '08

janzabransky, I agree, the font wasn't my first choice either, but this was the one which got the go-ahead!


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