Functional Electronics

by JWTK • Uploaded: Jun. 11 '07


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Description: Logo for an electronics import company
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1878

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Jun. 11 '07

Very clever combination of the 'E' and 'F' in the mark. I don't think you need any gradients though. But that's just a personal taste. Also, the color for 'functional' is hard to see. Great job, though!!

JWTK Jun. 11 '07

Thanks Ocularink, the logo is still in process, will consider your thoughts when tweaking. Had a look at your site, you have a great porti. thanks again. Ta

fab Jun. 11 '07

Very interesting shape! I like it a lot, but as ocularInk, I think 'functional' needs more contrast and also the left side of the circle. I like the gradient on the circle, but what about leaving the white of the letters f-e with no gradient. Hope it helps... I really like it as it is though!

waltermurray Jun. 11 '07

Nice Joey, I agree with the first comments but nice direction you're taking. Can't wait to see it progress.


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