by JDMdesigner • Uploaded: Jul. 06 '09


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Description: Type study using my initials.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3901

Lets Discuss

michaelspitz Jul. 06 '09

Nice work. You might want to finess the points where the bottoms of the letters meet just a touch...particularly where the D and the middle of the M meet. The little things seem to stick out more when everything else fits together so well. Reminds me a lot of this one I did %3E http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/68672

Jdmdesigner Jul. 07 '09

Thanks michael! I've been working on adjusting the type a little more. I'm gonna update this in a minute.**I checked out your logo and that was pretty nice!

epsilon Jul. 07 '09

Neat. I wonder if it would still work if D's outline is removed.

OcularInk Jul. 07 '09

I like the outline on the D. It's neat how you chose to only remove the center outline of the D and use part of the M to suggest that area. Great type study.

Jdmdesigner Jul. 07 '09

Epsilon, I tried your suggestion and it creates a very odd/unbalanced effect which I didn't like much.**Epsilon and OcularInk, thanks for your comments!


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