365 Design

by JDMdesigner • Uploaded: Jun. 28 '09 - Gallerized: Jun. '09


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Description: A Branding Company.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 35604

Lets Discuss

chirp Jun. 29 '09

But I love it! This is awesome!

chirp Jun. 29 '09

Sorry, no but there. I love it! is what I meant. :)

alldesign Jun. 29 '09

Forgive me, but could someone tell me what the lines above 'design' are supposed to say? It's a little unclear. Sorry if that offends...

jdmdesigner Jun. 29 '09

The lines above %22design%22 say %22365%22. The lettering is custom and stylized to appear similar to a bar code. The company is specialized in branding so I wanted that to stick with people when they remember the name.

MomentumMagazine Jun. 29 '09

Wow this is way awesome! Nicely done man!

firebrand Jun. 29 '09

Fascinating but I can't stop seeing an H rather than a 3.

NeilMcDonald Jun. 29 '09

Reminds me of one of those magic eye pictures. You kinda need to diverge the eyes to see it. Contrasting and memorable.

jdmdesigner Jun. 29 '09

I appreciate the comments!

tokostyler Jun. 30 '09

i think people need to read 365 but its not very clear and it seems to need a little help:)

tass Jun. 30 '09

unfortunately i agree tokostyler, it looks good but i cannot read/imagine it without the additional info

rudy hurtado Jun. 30 '09

It took me a while but I got it, then I see it clearly.

dooms Jun. 30 '09

nice, but I read BIAA at the first sight, the negative space

lundeja Jun. 30 '09

I found it extraordinarily hard to get the numbers 365 out of that without reading the title. I think there are probably better type choices for %22DESIGN%22 too.

jdmdesigner Jun. 30 '09

I might need to do some tweaking to get the 365 to stand out a little better.**The input is much appreciated!

esotericsean Jun. 30 '09

Yeah, it took me a long time to realize that it was %22365%22 (had to read comments, too).**My first thought was to look in the %22white%22 space (or in this case %22yellow%22 space), but the actual type is in the black lines. Not what you'd expect.**Looks cool, though :)

jdmdesigner Jun. 30 '09

Yeah, I kinda like that you have to blur your eyes a bit to see the numbers but it may be too abstract for many people.**I'm gonna work on some variations soon.

madebyshift Jun. 30 '09

Great mark, once I realized it was %22365.%22 However, I initially saw %22HGS.%22**Perhaps working with the thickness of the marks, you could better portray a %22365?%22

macessences Jul. 01 '09

nice but I made some time ago on the basis of the logo 'beed' - http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Logopack-01/222038

dannygdammit Jul. 01 '09

yeah.. I have to agree with some that this isn't readable.. not until the 365 was explained to me...

jdmdesigner Jul. 01 '09

In response to macessences, I looked at that logo and there are similarities but still this is a different concept based on the style of a bar code. Since the lines aren't as thick and the spacing is different it gives a different presentation.

jdmdesigner Jul. 01 '09

I have been getting a lot of mixed reviews on this logo. The target demographic is mid-level businesses, how do you think they will react to this logo?**I'm curious to know your thoughts.

dbunk Jul. 01 '09

I feel yellow and black are definitely not the colors if u r targeting Businesses. Maybe a grey instead of black would add some lux to it. **Straight edges instead of rounded edges and reducing the space between the lines might also solve the problem to an extent.

gjrdesign Jul. 01 '09

I really take a long time seeing the logo, but just understand what the lines means cause you explain. Visually is nice but funcionally not.

jakes Jul. 01 '09

without any explanation I doubt any of us designers would know what it stands for...let's alone the casual reader. Visually it really looks great...but readability comes first.

jakes Jul. 01 '09

just curious, have you thought about putting %22365 Design%22 instead of just %22Design%22 on the bottom. That would help reinforce the mark imo.

bouchardoli Jul. 01 '09

I agree with jakes. It's cool, but with 365 design under would reinforce your mark.

Jdmdesigner Jul. 01 '09

Yeah, I think that adding %22365 DESIGN%22 under the mark would solve readability and also reinforce the mark.**I will try that, thanks for the input!

logomotive Jul. 01 '09

IMO this design does not work. It seems your trying to hard for some cleverness rather than strong and memorable mark which makes a good logo. If you can capture both it's always great. I like logos that you have to take a second look at to figure it our but this does not make it it IMO.

Jdmdesigner Jul. 01 '09

I respect your opinion logomotive, but I also think cleverness plays a role in making a logo strong and memorable.

Siah-Design Jul. 01 '09

I must agree with Mike. It took me about 30 seconds to figure it out and I showed it to a graphic design buddy of mine and it took him almost 5 minutes. Its a good feeling when you figure it out but I don't think its worth it. Just my two cents...

logomotive Jul. 01 '09

Not saying it's bad just questioning if it could be improved, simplified so the average viewer could relate? and if so that would make it more memorable and stronger. Think like a laymen when designing, I admit I've gotten sucked into cleverness myself but have to cater to everyone IMO.

logomotive Jul. 01 '09

Why not try 3 horizontal lines, don't know just offering my 2 cents also. Do your own thing though.

Jdmdesigner Jul. 01 '09

Yeah, I think your right. Some horizontal lines could help distinguish the %22365%22. Once again I appreciate your input!**I admit I can get real caught up in the cleverness.

fblcreations Jul. 01 '09

wow.. very hard to see it, but once you see it, very clever

Jdmdesigner Jul. 01 '09

Here is a revision to this concept. I'm curious to know your thoughts!**http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/69210**

fogra Jul. 01 '09

I liked Raja's version for the 365 mainly because the 'x' was a surprise:*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/1337*I do agree with others though that '365 design' needs to be placed beneath the mark.

carlo74 Jul. 02 '09

hard to understand, after complaining too. but good idea..

zerocommazero Jul. 02 '09

I know you're going for the bar code look but when i see bar codes, they are solid lines, not broken. I don't know if that look can be achieved here and making the numbers readable goes against the symetrical pattern that a bar code is. Maybe you could try adding sharp corners instead of round ones at important character strokes or put in some thin vertical lines as well to make it look more like a bar code and not be overly distracting. just food for thought.

Jdmdesigner Jul. 02 '09

Thanks for the input!

smalireddy Jul. 03 '09

That's an excellent idea out here... awesome.

Gaard Jul. 09 '09

Actually I think it's great, I don't have a problem with people needing time to find something. The arrow in Fedex goes unnoticed all the time. Anyway I believe the problem is not so much with clarity of the design but the fact it's on screen. Print this out, then show it to others and see if they can read 365. It should be easier visually since black is more prominent in print being pigment. Whereas here people see the neg space first because it's lighter and on-screen is light based. If this is exclusively for web, well... you may need to re-think the color scheme, or at least invert them.

Jdmdesigner Jul. 09 '09

Thanks for the input! I will consider your suggestions. :)

Jdmdesigner Jul. 10 '09

I just finished another concept for this company and I think it works nice. I would love to hear your opinions!**http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/70182*

evrt studio Jul. 17 '09

It gives an interesting look, but personally I think if something is not legible or people have to ask what it is, it doesn't work

bmyhousekey Jul. 25 '09

it hurts my eyes to make out 365...but nonetheless very nice concept*

jdmdesigner Jul. 25 '09

Lol, don't hurt yourself bmyhousekey. Thanks for the comments!

bjramon Jun. 10 '10

Wow! I love this use of white space and gestalt! It also kind of plays tricks on your eyes and mind, sort of when you draw a cube and you see 2 different views. Great!

dna18 Dec. 24 '12

just saw the 365. its creative. love hidden numbers in logos.

CrogoLitic Dec. 08 '15

WOW all I can say is wow. Amazing creativity and thought went into this one along with extreme cleverness. Took me a while to see the 365 but when I did I was amazed!


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