
by InkwillDesign • Uploaded: Mar. 24 '10


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Description: This logo is for a design solutions company. Since the name Sharivvy is a combination of the words 'shark' and 'ivy', my client wanted both a shark and an ivy leaf incorporated into the icon. Custom typeface.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7647

Lets Discuss

Type08 Mar. 24 '10

I think this looks HOT, Will! Super strange combo of floral and animal world but this is done nicely!

birofunk Mar. 24 '10

maybe the ivy leaf could be worked into one of the v's?

William © 2009 Mar. 24 '10

Thanks, Alen! And yea, birofunk, I thought of that too, but my client wants the typeface to be completely independent. Thanks!

birofunk Mar. 24 '10

no worries..looks geat anyway

JoePrince Mar. 24 '10

I like the direction you're headed in, but overall the shark looks too thin. Not sure if the italicized type is necessary is nice though William.

William © 2009 Mar. 24 '10

Thanks for your remarks, Joe. I'll consider what you said about the body's thickness. As for the typeface, I thought an italic type would match better with the overall look of the icon.


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