
by InkwillDesign • Uploaded: Oct. 31 '09 - Gallerized: Mar. '10


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Description: Available concept. Client went with another solution. (Sold!)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 35980

Lets Discuss

alexanderspliid Nov. 01 '09

I don't know where you are spotting that animal housten. I only see a cute lady/girl???**Anyways it's a great logo imo.

Momentummagazine Nov. 01 '09

Yeah I also see like a leopard or tiger. Very subtle, but it's definitely there.

alexanderspliid Nov. 01 '09

i hope someone will spot that girl :) or maybe i'm just going nuts,

epsilon Nov. 01 '09

Ha, there _is_ a girl indeed. I would've not seen it without a hint though :)

barryconvex Nov. 01 '09

I was instantly reminded of The Premonition movie poster:%0D*

alexanderspliid Nov. 01 '09

I'm glad you've spotted it too epsilon :)**I wonder if she was intentionally placed in there.

logoboom Nov. 01 '09

exactly... if you look at the bottom shape as a's a girl. If you see it as a nose... it's an animal.

logoboom Nov. 01 '09

Here's a question for david though... does %22available concept%22 in the description cross the line or is it ok. I suppose it's similar to %22unused concept%22 or %22rejected comp%22. Just curious.

Momentummagazine Nov. 01 '09

%5EInteresting point Glen. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough though.

Type08 Nov. 02 '09

The female face here is a nice bonus but looking at it this way also offered a possible 'problem' here - lower branches need to change shape, otherwise you got 2 nice D cups in front of the face, yah know what I mean?

muse7 Nov. 02 '09

Elegant and simple. I saw both although the ladies face stood out more for me. Perhaps make the mouth leaf a little more defined as lips adding the curves of the upper lip. You could also play with putting a white stem through the lip leaf where the lips part.

William © 2009 Nov. 02 '09

Haha, how can you see a feline?! Definitely, felines have a more %22heart-shaped%22 nose, in my opinion. Alen, I don't understand your metaphor. Or wasn't it a metaphor? Because if it wasn't, I don't see the D cups.

William © 2009 Nov. 02 '09

I wonder if I should add the nose of the lady...?

Type08 Nov. 02 '09

Really didn't mean to offend you or anything, it was just something that I saw here, so I thought some other people might as well... Imagine naked girl laying down, and you're looking at her from below... See it now?

Lecart Nov. 02 '09

Alen does have a point, i see it quite clearly, but i don't think it's a problem, it's more of a subjective-self-suggested (%3C-- what's that) interpretation. The right leaf %22kills%22 this a problem or at least is aiming to. I only see a woman, to be honest, i can't see a feline, not as clearly as a woman.

William © 2009 Nov. 02 '09

Hahaha, yeeea, I see it now. Now that's what I call to see the other side of things! %3DP (But, a feline???! Oh come onnnnn...)

brandsimplicity Nov. 02 '09

Maybe snip off the outer boobs...I mean branches%3B)

William © 2009 Nov. 02 '09

I'm terrible at pruning but I'll try %3DP

barryconvex Nov. 02 '09

Am I speaking in tongues? The concept has been done before, so better try something original.

OcularInk Nov. 02 '09

I can definitely see both the woman and animal in the negative space, but the woman's face is more clear to me. Also, Alen makes a great observation about the D-cups, haha, but I doubt most people will ever make that association...designer's maybe, but not the general public. :-)

dezinart Mar. 09 '10

Yea, I instantly thought of the Premonition poster as well...

theartistt Mar. 10 '10

Saw the girl immediately. Love it.

William © 2009 Mar. 10 '10

Thanks everyone. As for the Premonition poster, I hadn't seen it before. Actually, the only movie poster I know is the Back to the Future one :D

datzebao Mar. 16 '10

Cute, i saw the girl :)

lucadolci Mar. 17 '10

Idem, saw the girl!

TwinklinPixi3 Mar. 17 '10

I really love this logo, subtle, i like it :)

Logo Design Monster Mar. 19 '10

I really like this. It's a great logo. I can see a lady's face but no animals but even without the shapes it still looks great.

plantingseeds Mar. 20 '10

Lovely typography and any logo with an extra hidden little something are always more fun to look at!

michele13 Jul. 29 '11

I love the design--is it for sale?*[email protected]

Inkwill Design Aug. 05 '11

Thanks everyone!**@Michele, I sent you an email. Sorry for the late response.


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