Amplify PR

by InkwillDesign • Uploaded: Apr. 29 '10


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Description: Logo for integrated marketing and communications firm. I was trying to find an element in nature that reflected the concept of amplification and I came up with this solution. When you touch the surface of water, you can see ripples that grow in an expansive way. In other words, a simple touch produces a great effect that continues after the finger has left the surface. I thought this would be the perfect concept for the company, as their touch can produce this same effect on the brands they work with. All comments welcome.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 13186

Lets Discuss

jonnyd Apr. 29 '10

Great idea and lovely story too. Think graphic needs a bit of work still. Try running those finger lines following same path as ripples as there to straight and prob need shortening. Or make ripples have more perspective. Hope they ate helpful.

William © 2009 Apr. 29 '10

Thanks, Jonny. I appreciate your thoughts on this.

raja Apr. 29 '10

The concept tie in is awesome - good one, and good to hear they liked it.**For a company that has this type of effect on brands, I think the logo stylistically sends off more of an online service or something quirky message. The execution, if more inline with a marketing agency, would take this logo to the next level. That is only how I see it though.**I played with touch%3E%3Eripple idea once, if you are curious (it's not done well) see here

William © 2009 Apr. 29 '10

Thank you very much, Raja. I think you're right. I'll try to make it look more like a marketing firm logo. Thanks!

JF May. 03 '10

Fabulous. Great execution of a fitting concept.

William © 2009 May. 04 '10

Thanks! The client thinks it looks a bit feminine so I'm working on it.

mabu Jul. 22 '10

Lovely mark. The type might need some love though.


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