by IdentiFly • Uploaded: Mar. 13 '09
Logo for a journalism community forum. I wanted to suggest that one idea might generate different feelings/reactions in different minds.
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Lets Discuss
i cant stop thinking about it
Replyseems disjointed.
Replywell that was, somewhat, the point
ReplyI got it. One of your better concepts. I would move opinions up closer and center %22think about it%22 without the large space between %22think%22 and %22about it%22.
ReplyGreat Mark. Got it right away.
ReplyThank you sld, theartistt :)**About the space between the %22think%22 and %22about it%22 you're right, it was a font modification that i did before uploading it and I just missed that, dunno how. I'll correct it. As for the space in the logo, it is designed to suggest a square. But I really appreciate the suggestions :).
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