Cocoa Lounge

by HelloUriah • Uploaded: Nov. 21 '07 - Gallerized: Nov. '07


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Description: Small, soon to open lounge / cafe / library / everything. [edit] After working with the client more.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 10066

Lets Discuss

firebrand Nov. 21 '07

Nice. How would it look if the white line was the same thickness as the brown line%3B Then extended to replace the rectangle shape?

hellouriah Nov. 21 '07

Thanks Firebrand, it flows a lot better now.

admarcbart Nov. 21 '07

I love this. But I feel the type is almost distracting from the word-mark above.

jaSz Nov. 21 '07

WOW! Great concept my firend, thumbs up for this one for sure! %3D)

amyblandford Nov. 21 '07

I really like this one!*Unusual %26 distinctive.*I think it needs the type, (just like it is) it would be hard to read without it.

logomotive Nov. 21 '07

Nice idea but it does not quite work for me because the second %220' reads like an a. perhaps you could work on overlaps to prevent this? Way to think about it though.

dustangel Nov. 25 '07

maybe its just me but its not readable at all, two snakes embracing :)

leo Nov. 26 '07

The type could be better... but the symbol rocks!!!

ahab Nov. 26 '07

I like this a lot. But it is a bit hard to make out.

alto Nov. 27 '07

Congrats on making it to the gallery!

duschdas Nov. 28 '07

makes me wanna drink some cocoa right now... in a 'loungy' atmosphere. great logo.

yummie Dec. 11 '08

Problems reading the O's... if I did'nt knew what it shall mean i would read...cauaa. You've chosen/created a font with a nearly circular counters. the downfalling sides of the O's destroy the circle, so it gets the look of an a and makes it hardly readable.**iLike though.


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