Quick graphics

by Hani • Uploaded: Mar. 13 '08


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Description: Qg typography concept ".com" nagitive space is showing hand's thumb, that means graphics (images) in your hand for quick access g's tail downwords (for downloads hints)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1465

Lets Discuss

ducly Mar. 13 '08

this one is better then the other version

tishbite Mar. 13 '08

Hello Hani,*the tail reminds me of a Fox's tail and I think that you should work around that idea... quick..fox...! I decided to comment on this because I think it can actually become a nice logo. Use a different type for the name and drop .com. I don't think that anyone will see a thumb in there...Also try to flip the mark horizontaly just to see how it looks, perhaps that way you will get the G and the Q out of it... :)*

hani Mar. 14 '08

thanks for your Critique


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