Butterfly - swimming school

by Gogiel • Uploaded: Jun. 09 '11


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Description: Logo created for local swimming school. I was looking for something simple and clean. Hope it works. peace!
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7704

Lets Discuss

JF Jun. 09 '11

%22szkota ptywania%22 is FAR too small in proportion to %22BUTTERFLY%22 and the graphic to be legible at practical sizes (business card, advertisement, letterhead, etc.).

Ding-Dong-Design Jun. 23 '11

I can see the thought that has gone into this :), I particularly like the scale of each circle :)

rusty8514 Jul. 29 '13

Mis felicitaciones tanto al creador de este logo como a todos los que hacen posible que podamos ver tanto arte y talento junto.


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