
by FosterBarker • Uploaded: Nov. 20 '10


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Description: ©2010 Foster Barker Creative Inc. Pronounced "yo-sah-kee"- Upscale but hip downtown sushi bar. I met my wife here. I was all: "I did the logo for this place" and she was all: ''You had me at 'logo!'"...or something like that...but not really...good sushi, though.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2583

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fosterbarker Nov. 20 '10

Pronounced %22yo-sah-kee%22- Upscale but hip downtown sushi bar. I met my wife here. I was all: %22I did the logo for this place%22 and she was all: ''You had me at 'logo!'%22...or something like that...but not really...good sushi, though.

junjun Nov. 23 '10

Looks very cool. Good craftmanship! :D Sounds like a great place to pick up women.

muse7 Nov. 23 '10

lovely - has wonderful flow

fosterbarker Nov. 23 '10

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