by ForNeverYoung • Uploaded: Nov. 07 '11 - Gallerized: Dec. '11
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...tok zachem je koleni lomat'?
nice illo :)
Cool one.
Mimino. Nice.
@sbdesign said on Nov. 07 '11 ...tok zachem je koleni lomat'?*Tozhe ne poimu zachem nogi naodorot sdelani
irony, SOdesign :) knees are as humans ones.
Lovely - I like how you made the right eye. Nice details in the icon.
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Reply...tok zachem je koleni lomat'?
Replynice illo :)
ReplyCool one.
ReplyMimino. Nice.
Reply@sbdesign said on Nov. 07 '11 ...tok zachem je koleni lomat'?*Tozhe ne poimu zachem nogi naodorot sdelani
Replyirony, SOdesign :) knees are as humans ones.
ReplyLovely - I like how you made the right eye. Nice details in the icon.
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