Lehman Brothers Consulting

by Flant • Uploaded: Oct. 03 '07


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Description: Quick (honest) logo for a biotech consulting company. Wanted to portray some idea of convergence and sharing.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8176

Lets Discuss

kaimere Oct. 03 '07

tidy and nice ... symbol is familiar but like how you played with it ... nice dimension .... think the jpeg and my eyes could be tired from no sleep but the font looks weird ... damn im seeing double again

amyblandford Oct. 03 '07

This isn't really a design issue, but- %22interesting%22 name. Is it related to Lehman Brothers Inc.? the huge global investment bank? I betcha they have a lot of consultants!*I know- not your problem, as a designer. I guess I would really make sure this screams %22biotech%22 so there's less confusion.

Flant Oct. 03 '07

amy, to be honest I didn't check Lehman Brothers Inc and hopefully the client is aware. Thanks!

Flant Oct. 03 '07

I am such an idiot and just found out that our client's great grandfather is one of 'the' Lehman Brothers. I'm very embarrassed.

amyblandford Oct. 04 '07

No, you're not an idiot! why would you know that! I was just asking 'cause it wasn't obvious one way or the other %26 I was thinking that if it's related, should it use the same font or color (not necessarily?) and that if it's not related (which I guess I assumed, oops!) they'd want to make sure it's not a conflict.*:-)

HH Web Oct. 05 '07

I love the colour scheme!

moverdrive Oct. 13 '07

Definitely falls in the realm of 'wish I'd designed it'...great work.

fogra Oct. 05 '08

The original corp is now no more! Right?


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