Human Resources

by EnGar • Uploaded: Aug. 06 '10


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Description: Human Resources: A sci-fi web comedy series. (Thanks to Nido for all the great feedback.)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2803

Lets Discuss

engar Aug. 06 '10

Simplified ship and light n.n . Thoughts?

Mikeymike Aug. 06 '10

I don't know if you need the darker oval at the bottom. It just seems a bit distracting. Just a thought. Cleaning up nicely.

engar Aug. 06 '10

Thanks Mike you are probably right :)

nido Aug. 06 '10

_I don't know if you need the darker oval at the bottom. It just seems a bit distracting. Just a thought. Cleaning up nicely._**exactly.

nido Aug. 06 '10

maybe not even at the top?...

engar Aug. 06 '10

Fixed. Using now a single shade of gray.

nido Aug. 06 '10

dont even think you need the break at the bottom either... its not like it wont make sense without it...

engar Aug. 06 '10

Ugh, I feel like a child, thanks man I really apreciate it. You have taught me a valuable lesson on simplicity I won't ever forget.

engar Aug. 06 '10

Fixed kerning and removed slogan.

engar Aug. 06 '10

Don't you like light gray? I find it delighful. Well, anyway, is just until client accepts concept, then I'll focus in colours.

engar Aug. 06 '10

I really haven't worried about colours as for yet, it's still not time for it. Don't worry, they'll come.

engar Aug. 06 '10

Got last fixes for the day, lightbeam was a bit off so I centered it regarding mark.**Thanks again everyone.

JF Aug. 06 '10

I like the concept.**When you add color, tho, I suggest you keep the beam a light grey, other letters black, ship outline %5Bwhere it's currently grey%5D a shade of alien-like green. The 'A' could be fine as white, but black/charcoal could work as well. Also, kerning on 'resources' is a little too tight for my tastes, but it's not horrible. Nice work so far.

engar Aug. 06 '10

Thank you JF I'll keep it in mind :)

theartistt Aug. 06 '10

the kerning is too tight for me, but otherwise this is cool. weird, but cool.


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