Little Owl Coffee

by • Uploaded: Oct. 26 '12 - Gallerized: Oct. '12


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Description: Little Owl Coffee
Status: Client work
Viewed: 19262
Tags: Shop Cafe Owl Little

Lets Discuss

herbert light Oct. 26 '12

Nice owl illustration. I\'ve noticed the \'L\' in OWL drops beneath its opposite number (L in LITTLE). Needs to be centred. Same goes for the COFFEE text too. The left side of the branch also looks sliced off, perhaps you could move it towards the circle a bit and round the edge to fit...?

designabot Oct. 27 '12

... beauty of a design!

nydesign Oct. 28 '12

nice work. You know i looked at it from the thumbnail and thought this has to be Gal, until i clicked it and realised it\'ssomeone else. It has a bit of a Gal\'s inspiration to it atleast from where im standing.

cnasshan Oct. 28 '12

^I agree with herbert

nightshayde Oct. 29 '12

It\'s amazing! I think it\'s a lot different than Gal\'s work personally. Great job man :)

Josephine Jost Crous Nov. 08 '12

Beautiful but this owl seems to be appearing a lot. Love the finish of this one, nice work!


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