Men on Web

by DirkLeys • Uploaded: Jan. 31 '09


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Description: A web development and marketing company. The mark represents two strong men on a globe (the web) who are climbling to the top. It shows power, motivation, cooperation and unity.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1703

Lets Discuss

mavric Jan. 31 '09

The name has potential my friend :)*the execution on the other hand is a bit forced. IMO**I see a hint of an ear :)***CHEERS

djaz Feb. 01 '09

great job! %0D*a really good one!!

ElleRae Feb. 02 '09

I agree with mavric on the ear reference and that the name has potential though it is very easy to take it too literally. Think more about the services you offer than the image you're trying to explain with the logo.

DirkLeys Feb. 02 '09

It was the client's decision to transform the name literally into the mark. I agree that it could have had some more potential but I'm also very satisfied with the final result.


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