write and record

by DesignerAG • Uploaded: Nov. 13 '09 - Gallerized: Nov. '09


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Description: Idea for fun, you can see a pencil and studio microphone in one
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 12443

Lets Discuss

designabot Nov. 13 '09

love simple line art logos! Great job Matto

SuperSpence Nov. 13 '09

Cute! Almost wanna see a little more detail, with different line thicknesses.

andreiu Nov. 13 '09

very clever this is! congrats.

square69 Nov. 14 '09

Great concept and execution..top stuff !

barryconvex Nov. 14 '09

To me, it looks like a classical %22parallel universe logo%22. For an idea that won't be used anyway, it's perfectly OK. But in real life, there possibly won%B4t be many takers for a cute recording studio logo.

dotflo Nov. 15 '09

this is really nice ..congratz

dannygdammit Nov. 20 '09

I think this is an awesome idea. Though I don't completely agree with barryconvex, I do think it'd be a stronger logo if you were to add some %22hard rock%22 to the execution.. I'm sure some smaller more %22poppier%22 studios would be interested in something like this.. but you could do another execution at the other end of the music spectrum %3B) nice job

matto Nov. 20 '09

Thank you people for your opinions, and thanks for gallery. I will update it :)

mabu Nov. 20 '09

Awesome, with a lot of awesome on it.

matto Nov. 22 '09

mabu, sbdesign, Dalius, thanks a lot guys! :)

tanker79 May. 17 '11

Great idea and great concept! Well done


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