Heart Knitting

by Designem • Uploaded: Oct. 09 '11


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Description: Client proposal - She didn't like it. Originally inspired by the Flame Lily. The client knits clothes for new born to 3 months old. I have changed the name, I really like where this logo is going, I'm not ready to let it go. I don't know if the colour changes I have made have made it better. Maybe I can get some direction from you guys. :) Edit: I have put this on the back burner for now as I have lots of other stuff to get one with. I am hoping I finally get a client who falls in love with this Mark.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 5002

Lets Discuss

deiv Oct. 10 '11

brilliant mark. it needs more work on background color and a bit on type i guess.

designem Oct. 10 '11

Thanks for your feed back :) Hmmm .. I will go back and play a little.

arke1 Feb. 04 '12

Yup, the mark is excellent. The type lets it down a little though.

gurindercreations Jan. 09 '14

How much would it cost for customizing it for my business?


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