Automoto (v2)

by CommunicationAgency • Uploaded: Sep. 14 '11


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Description: Logo for new Automoto salon and magazine called Automoto. In symbol u can find modern auto symbol with 2 tires. Than symbol of A and M. Then eye watching u its front glass. Also two lights or back mirror. This is way as i see auto in 3rd millenium.
As seen on: Communication Agency
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2960

Lets Discuss

Agencija Sep. 14 '11

New automoto symbol for Autosalon.

Type and Signs Sep. 14 '11

wow ... agencija ... this looks great ... I think the next one going to be galle .... what do you thinK ???

Agencija Sep. 14 '11

Thanks to TS Bernd %26 Lorena. I just get very amazing feedback from my enviroment. Hope designers liked it too? And LP gallery also?

Agencija Sep. 14 '11

So u Bernd preffer first version?


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