JCSU sports logo design

by BurnCreative • Uploaded: Aug. 13 '13 - Gallerized: Aug. '13


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Description: Concept logo design for sports rebranding project for Johnson C. Smith University.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 7671
Tags: johnson c. smith university jcsu bull. golden bulls graphic design

Lets Discuss

cnasshan Aug. 18 '13

I really like the alterations to the 'G' and the 'U'

Burn Creative Aug. 19 '13

I can't take credit for that. That's how the font is designed.

kew45 Aug. 26 '13

I live in Charlotte, NC where the school is located. You should present the new logo to the school. It's much better than what they have currently.

Burn Creative Aug. 26 '13

They hired me for the school sports identity redesign and this was one of the options presented. They didn't like it. They are sticking with the logo they've been using.

zacksutt Sep. 30 '13

Nice! My moms School!


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