Private Sale

by Brandsimplicity • Uploaded: Jun. 07 '07


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Description: Private Sale To be featured in David E Carter’s Logobook 5
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4447

Lets Discuss

mrshonuff Jun. 13 '07

is that a kiwi bird? I guess I don't know how that relates to a private sale. Is it a regional thing?

brandsimplicity Jun. 13 '07

Cheers smartinup.Mrshonoff Yes it's a Kiwi,it was made for a New Zealand Real Estate company.Sadly they removed the little fella and now just use the housing icon.

fab Jun. 18 '07

What a pity they removed the kiwi!, the idea is excellent, very funny! The world needs more logos like this one to make it happier.

brandsimplicity Jun. 18 '07

Thanks Fab,great name by the way!

rossouwh Jun. 05 '09

I think it's a good thing they removed the Kiwi. It may seem like a nice touch, but I'm not sure if anybody else see this, but it looks as if the house comes from the Kiwi's behind?**Was the first thing I noticed.

Brandsimplicity Jun. 05 '09

I had intended the kiwi to show the private aspect of the sale, that's why the little fella is hiding behind the house.Cheers for your views on it:)

epsilon Jun. 05 '09

Seriously ? Kiwi hiding behind the house ? I assumed all along that it was an intentionally quirky logo of a kiwi with a house icon stamped on its butt.


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