by Brandsanity • Uploaded: Apr. 21 '11 - Gallerized: Sep. '11
I'm sure we've all dug a few of these up! Logo design for a golf e-commerce business. Wanted a modern look but not too abstract or 'snooty' looking - so I decided to take quite a clean but illustrative approach. Instead of showing the typical perfect golf swing - I decided to go for something a lot more people can probably relate to!
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
ha ha... funny...*very well illustrated :)
ReplyLOL. That's about how I play it.
Reply%5E Haha, that makes two of us.**Cheers libran!**
Replyhehehe brilliantly funny!
ReplyMaybe this has caused your broken left arm? :)
ReplyThanks logomania :)**I wish I could say it was a sporting accident! Unfortunately though it was the result of a few too many beers...
Replyhah love this one! Neat illustration..
ReplyAwesome! This one made me chuckle. Great work, Daniel!
ReplyI remember this ... amazing piece - awesome illustration !
ReplyThat's one helluva Divot.
ReplyAw.. so cute!
ReplyYep...that's about how my shots go!
ReplyLove the concept. Looks great.
Replyawesome brilliant are only words of my english dictionary that i know to describe this little funny shit :D
Replydivot golf, ya I play that way. fun stuff. good play.
ReplyWow, what a nice surprise :)**Thanks a ton for the gallery spot - and cheers to everyone for the floatage and comments!**LOGOPOND, YOU ROCK**%5E Haha, don't we all? Hope you've been replacing them! Took one just like this smack out the middle of my Grandads freshly mowed lawn whilst practising the schwing last week. He wasn't very happy...
ReplyWhimsical and memorable. Great work!**If anyone is feelin abit blue, just take a look at Daniel's showcase.*It is awesomely entertaining!**No no Danny, YOU ROCK!
ReplyLove it.. reminds me of my own golf game %3Bp
ReplyWow, this is brilliant! Love it.
ReplyFun and true.. Great logo
Reply@chanpion Wow thanks man, really kind words - appreciated! You have a great showcase :)**Thanks to all for the floats and nice comments! Much love x
ReplyNice shot mate! :D
ReplySo nice to see this in the gallery, Daniel!
ReplyThanks a ton guys
Replyvery cool
ReplyThat's such a creative concept, truly inspiring logo for me.
ReplyHahahah brilliant concept!
ReplyHahaha very funny concept with a great execution
Replylove it. very clever.
Replylol very good
Replygood)) thanks)
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