
by Bluegg • Uploaded: Jan. 09 '08


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Description: Identity concept for Diversions, the dance company of Wales. Aim of the mark was to attract a younger audience, whilst retaining their core followers.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3870

Lets Discuss

admarcbart Jan. 09 '08

To me it has no relation to the name of the company.

nelkz Jan. 09 '08

i get lots of movement from the mark...i.e. dance i guess....*Nice clear font*i think it works *good work

Hayes Image Jan. 09 '08

I get the dance like idea, a group of performers in different colored outfits twirling around creating a colored blur...**The 'Opera Australia' logo is done much the same way, but 'Diversions' is allot cleaner.

logopogo Jan. 14 '08

It's colorful, but a bit too sloppy, and looks too similar to the Lucent Logo.**You need to better communicate the idea of %22Dance%22. Think of all words that relate to dance, as a start. You'll be surprised how many logo ideas this will inspire.**Good luck.


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