by Bitencourt • Uploaded: Feb. 08 '12 - Gallerized: Feb. '12
Alsoa offer data aggregation services for people who sell in multiple sales channels online. Essentially creating a centralized dashboard for people to manage and ship orders from.
The concept behind it is pretty simple, hope you guys like it! :)
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
upload b and w version, looks even better !
ReplyThanks man! Sadly client reject this proposal.
ReplyLooking good, but I saw the new one and I can say that it's amazing! Looking forward to see it in logopond :)
Replylove the flow of the type in this one
ReplyI enjoy the color palette, its very settling. Also very well designing script type face.
Replyso much win breno :)
Replyreally nice*
ReplyThank you all, fellas! I'm glad you like it. *Its very sad when a client reject a proposal that I like so much as this one, and is nice when awesome designers like you like it! :)
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