
by Bhog • Uploaded: Jul. 24 '09


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Description: This was a logo I came up with for fun. I was trying to use just circles. It is also for sale on Brandstack. I'd love any feedback! Thanks!
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Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1604

Lets Discuss

hitbyreindeer Jul. 24 '09

cute!** i had actually came up with that exact set of circles (the blue, pink and yellow) in that shape and thought it might make a good logo if i could figure out what to do with it, but you beat me to it, and it came out real nice.**cheers.

cseven Jul. 24 '09

Beautiful. I just love this mark and all that it communicates. I have seen similar ideas, but this one is so much better done. Great job.

robertdavi1 Jul. 24 '09

Awesome job! I like how you have added highlights to exagerate on the simple circle's. only just a suggestion the logo mark could be more 'together' with the text. But I guess youve probably tried that...

robertdavi1 Jul. 24 '09

actually I take that back its well spaced. Perfect even.

bhog Jul. 24 '09

Thanks for the feedback guys! : )


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