all city

by AusScreen • Uploaded: Mar. 03 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08


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Description: ambigram for t-shirt print
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5185

Lets Discuss

gstaltig Mar. 04 '08

very cool concept!

gthobbs Mar. 04 '08

Love it. Read it easily which is always challenging with an ambigram.

Art Machine Mar. 04 '08

Great style but very hard to read.

LOGOMOTIVE Mar. 04 '08

I actually read it right away before I knew it was an ambigram, and with this many letters to work with, impressive.

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Mar. 04 '08

I read it immediately as well - and then took a good look at how well this design was cleverly executed.

OcularInk Mar. 05 '08

Wow!! You really pulled this one off. Very impressive.

gthobbs Mar. 06 '08

I came back again for another look. Brilliant and for a long ambigram, legibility is awesome.

AusScreen Mar. 07 '08

thanks for the feedback, fellas,%0D*%0D*I am humbled%0D*%0D*-Aus

OcularInk Mar. 11 '08

Have a look at some of Langdon's ambigrams. They aren't 100%25 legible upon first glance, but once you figure it out, it's clear every time. That's the important part. And he's one of the best!! :-)

kleron Mar. 11 '08

Definitely impressive...

ryantoyota Mar. 11 '08

I found it quite hard to read also.

raja Mar. 11 '08

glorious effort - it's great to look at

onesummer Mar. 11 '08

very nice! read it the first time around.

nido Mar. 11 '08

this is up there with Langdon's stuff in my opinion... though its not hard to imagine i would still like to see it in black.. on white. Well done.

darrel Mar. 11 '08

a bad ambigram is an eyesore. A good one is a pleasant surprise. This is a good one.

dache Mar. 11 '08

Everyone is cheering because of the execution but logo design is more than applied style. I see no real reason for using an ambigram technique when its on the t-shirt medium... unless your target market has mirrors on the ceiling.

nido Mar. 11 '08

i dont know.. if you were wearing the t-shirt %26 looked down at it yourself it would still read right.. %3B)

LOGOMOTIVE Mar. 11 '08

dache, why are you so ANTI ambigram? they're hard to do. Show's creative thinking and this one is very impressive.

gthobbs Mar. 11 '08

@ dache: following that logic there's really no need for design in logos at all. Why not just have a name represented in highly legible type? Anything beyond that is just applied style and ultimately subjective.**Or is design important as it goes to making the name stand out as memorable to its viewers?

jjjost Mar. 12 '08

This is really amazing.... Awesome execution.

shaneg Mar. 12 '08

Looks cool, but I can't read it. I can read the City part but %22All%22 is pretty difficult to see.

gypseemoth Mar. 12 '08

It's hard for me to read as well%3B it took me a while. It might be that the symmetrical texture is interfering with its legibility - you may not need the grungy texture since the logo already has a lot of implicit texture.*Also, you could tweak the i's dot so it looks more like the bottom part of the %22l%22. Since City is pretty recognizable, I think 'All' needs a little more work.

BJMRamage Mar. 13 '08

well done. City is easy All not so much but still readable.*Well done. Love the style. (oh, i see I already said Well Done - oops)***

yurko Mar. 15 '08

I'm not english language man and without title %22all city%22 I can't read it at all.

Lucidity Mar. 17 '08

I couldn't read it. I mostly had problems with the 'a'.

chazthetic Mar. 20 '08

I read it right away from the thumbnail. *I studied under John Langdon and he would like this. **I don't think it needs all the styling though, it looks like it could stand on its own.

sandhya Mar. 20 '08

Very well executed. Although a little hard to read at first glance it still retains a pattern like impression which is creates a great impact!


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