Paper Depot

by AntonioZacarias • Uploaded: Oct. 21 '08


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Description: Logo proposal for a local Paper Depot. Critiques welcomed.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4256

Lets Discuss

azacarias7 Oct. 21 '08

Farmill* That is a good logo, but Mine is different, The only thing I see similar is the paper %22icon%22 we both used, mine has a P and a D incorporated in my design his only has a P. Other than the icon I dont see similarities...

Farmill Oct. 21 '08

Completely true but still I immediately associated your logo with the one I mentioned. Wether or not that's desirable I leave up to you, just thought you should know.

penflare Oct. 21 '08

pretty good, interesting colors

andreiu Sep. 14 '09

i think a bit more polishing would make it great.

azacarias7 Sep. 14 '09

any suggestions andreiu?


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