
by AntonT • Uploaded: May. 24 '11


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Description: Teeth whitening process
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Viewed: 2849

Lets Discuss

kckck89 May. 31 '11

this literally looks like it was stolen straight from the citibank logo with the red arc being underneath the words instead.

jerron May. 31 '11

How do you steal an arc? Do you realize how many logos have an arc in them? Did Redbox steal from Citibank?

JF May. 31 '11

An arc is a general shape, and as a result is in the public domain. It is not original on its own to be copyrighted, just like nobody can copyright a square or a circle. The only time an arc can be part of a design that's copyrighted is if it's a mere element of the total design. kckc89, you're stirring up trouble for no good reason. kckc89, please be mindful of the possibility that you're not dealing with a thief before you accuse someone of that next time.

nathantrafford May. 31 '11

i don't know if he was calling out the actual arc, or the overall feel of the design. I think it's the very recognizable blue/red/arc combination that he's talking about. That being said, however, I think this is definitely different enough from the citibank logo to be fine. Although, it does feel like just another 'swoosh' logo which went out of date with the 90's.

kckck89 May. 31 '11

let me apologize for the confusion. i was not trying to say that he stole the arc. in fact i did not say that anywhere in my comment. i said that the logo looked stolen, as in the overall feel of the logo as nathantrafford said. the color palette, use of sans serif with first half bolded, the use of a red arc and the overall organization of the piece was very close to citibank logo which was what i was commenting on. that being said i apologize for the rude comment, but do not put words in my mouth and say that i'm stirrying up trouble by saying he stole the arc.


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