HARTS Positioning Logo Concept

by Amitspro • Uploaded: Mar. 23 '17


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Description: The company provides indoor positioning systems. Similar to a GPS however focused on indoor localisation. Sensors can be used to track high value assets (such as forklifts in a factory, ultrasound machines in a hospital) or employees, visitors, shoppers in a retail business. The target audience is large businesses, not individual users. Key industries include: logistics and supply chain, manufacturing, mining, retail, hospitality, sports and healthcare.Essentially they work with sensors and wireless connectivity and map out on the floor plan of a factory or shopping centre where tracked machines / shopping carts / personnel / visitors have been spending their time during the day, creating visuals like maps, heat maps, analytics dashboards etc.Some keywords that are relevant for us are sensor, heatmap, map, GPS, tracking, indoor, coordinates, tag, deer, antler, coding, connectivity, wireless.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2943
Tags: position location heat maps analytics

Lets Discuss

48hourslogo Apr. 15 '17

nice symbol design. :)

Amitspro Apr. 15 '17

@48hourslogo Thank you for appreciation :)


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