Majestic Design Group

by Alto • Uploaded: Oct. 25 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07


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Description: Concept for a marketing and design firm.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6334

Lets Discuss

Art Machine Oct. 26 '07

Very nice, I like it.

admarcbart Oct. 30 '07

Very nice concept. Added to my favorites.

alto Oct. 31 '07

Thanks guys! It is always very encouraging when you get positive feedback.

Matheus Nov. 01 '07

I don't really get what the mark means, but anyway it's a good mark

bpotstra Dec. 07 '07

I like this better than the other version you had posted, Mel. My only concern is the flat corners of your diamond shape... is there a reason for doing this? If all the corners on the inside of the diamond, as well as the corners of the shapes inside the diamond are sharp, why square off the outside corners?

alto Dec. 07 '07

The original version has sharp corners. I brought the file into photoshop when I was playing around with 3D effects and it looks like it became distorted. I'll re upload the file with the correct mark.

mango Nov. 23 '08

Nice work. What font(s) did you use? if you don't mind my asking.


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