
by Alto • Uploaded: Aug. 07 '07


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Description: Concepts for Siegle, a jewelry designer. (All three concepts were rejected.)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4176

Lets Discuss

ahab Aug. 08 '07

Very nice. But you do loose a lot of detail at this size, but I'm sure it looks really good at a bigger size.

artboy Aug. 08 '07

Ouch. Must have taken soooo long to do and then to be rejected... painful!

dache Aug. 08 '07

Those concepts are all so far and a part from each other. It is clear that no direction was given.

retrocity Sep. 19 '07

although complex I think it still works ok (referring to the circle) reminds me of a temple, has me thinking strong, old with history, intellectual and formal and I think the font compliments it well...not sure if looks centered??? but I think at this size it works and at a large size it would be an amazing graphic. nice work

muku Feb. 04 '08

beautiful designs

epicantus Aug. 30 '10

How can these be rejected?! It is so beautiful!


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