by Alto • Uploaded: Aug. 07 '07
Concepts for Siegle, a jewelry designer. (All three concepts were rejected.)
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Lets Discuss
Very nice. But you do loose a lot of detail at this size, but I'm sure it looks really good at a bigger size.
ReplyOuch. Must have taken soooo long to do and then to be rejected... painful!
ReplyThose concepts are all so far and a part from each other. It is clear that no direction was given.
Replyalthough complex I think it still works ok (referring to the circle) reminds me of a temple, has me thinking strong, old with history, intellectual and formal and I think the font compliments it well...not sure if looks centered??? but I think at this size it works and at a large size it would be an amazing graphic. nice work
Replybeautiful designs
ReplyHow can these be rejected?! It is so beautiful!
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