Africa Windmill Project

by Alastair • Uploaded: Dec. 27 '08


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Description: Project for a non-profit organization that redesigned Windmills to be built out of scraps.
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4337

Lets Discuss

jsae Dec. 27 '08

i really like this....and by the way, your website is incredibly impressive! i want to be maven, too!

fishinapond Dec. 27 '08

Colors are OK, but the whole thing doesn't look %22put-together%22. It looks unfinished to me. I think it needs minor tweaking to make it look %22complete%22.

saawan Dec. 28 '08

I always love the blue and brown color combo!

penflare Dec. 28 '08

yes agree with saawan - i love the oclors and the only thing i would change is make the text closer together, but not too close

gyui Dec. 29 '08

I agree with the comments about the spacing and I digg the colors too, my only question is about the icons. I understand the icon with Africa in it, the other two do not seem to quite fit IMO. They remind me of water and crops, but correct me if I'm wrong, isn't windmill technology more about alternative energy?

Alastair Jan. 15 '09

In Africa Windmill technology is about crops and water. The parts of Africa that this company focuses on is more concerned about providing food than alternative energy.

gyui Jan. 15 '09

oh ok, that definitely makes more sense then :)

LoGoBoom Jan. 15 '09

very nice. I personally probably wouldn't do the color break on the type but nice regardless. The icons relate very well.

waltermurray Dec. 23 '09

Nice one on the icons- Africa is about simple and clever ideas and in this case the icons and type are a clever solution. I like your work by the way and would be interested in doing colabs with you next year if the occasion arises.


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