Al Hedaye

by Abdelghany • Uploaded: Feb. 20 '12


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Description: Simple arabic calligraphy for a Mosque Logo. made of a mosque dome and some arabic letters
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5305

Lets Discuss

mavric Feb. 21 '12

nicely done, but if I may suggest something..*I would rather have the Arabic name written in the same calligraphic style you picked inside the*dome instead of those punctuational things, because the Arabic name has no presence at all here*and the focus is only on the english name.**You can have a calligrapher help you with that**your call my friend :)***CHEERS

abdelghany Feb. 21 '12

thank you for the critque %5E_%5E*actually I managed to write the arabic name inside the dome, yet I find that one better (just in shap, not concept) so I chose to upload that version.*PS: that was the same comment of the client btw. :D**deeply appreciated :)


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