by A_O_K • Uploaded: Nov. 23 '09
Orange version of this logo. Made for an upcoming online fitness company. Any thoughts?
Unused proposal
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I floated this because I think the orange mark is pretty solid. It's well balanced and I enjoy looking at it. However, I do have some concerns. Is there a better way to integrate ONLINE with fitness without showing weights? Sketch out some different ideas and don't hold back on concepts that sound stupid. I just know that weights are the first thing people associate with fitness and it's our job as designers to dig deeper than what's on the surface.**The type is not working for me. I'm not even sure you need to have the mark integrated with the type. Try a version where the orange dude is to the side or above the type. Make simyoufit all the same height and maybe try a different type for the tagline. I think the readability gets lost at smaller sizes. Good luck.
ReplyAwesome. Thank you Thrasher! Really appreciate the feedback.
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