Coratti's on Main

by AMP • Uploaded: Mar. 23 '10


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Description: Logo proposal for an Italian restaurant.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1925

Lets Discuss

creative G design Mar. 23 '10

That is so beautiful, would that be a gold? love cream and black.

AMP Mar. 23 '10

Thank you! If they choose this option, i was thinking gold foil on thick black card stock for the business cards (very italian lol). But I really like black and cream as well. more subtle.

creative G design Mar. 23 '10

well done! Best wishes %3B)

Porter Design Mar. 24 '10

I like this. Nice work.

AMP Mar. 24 '10

Thanks, Ryan! I'm hoping they go with this version.

AMP Mar. 25 '10

thanks birofunk, and thanks for the floats :)

Type08 Mar. 25 '10

This feels like tuxedo/centurion american card place now... Can you support that with the menu ? %3B)

AMP Mar. 25 '10

ha! first of all, i had to google %22centurion american card%22. second of all, i was also wondering if this logo was too much for the restaurant - but i was assured by a number of regulars that it is not. the menu and atmosphere are classic italian, not inexpensive, but not black tie either. i was going more for a classic feel with the design. I think the restaurant can support this logo. It's a much nicer place than its current logo conveys. I want the identity to match the ambiance.

Type08 Mar. 25 '10

Then we can all just say: Ma che bella!


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