Luxpneus v2

by AMP • Uploaded: Oct. 10 '09


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Description: European tyre distributor.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1330

Lets Discuss

hitbyreindeer Oct. 10 '09

Exhudes luxury for sure

AMP Oct. 10 '09

Thanks. I was going for high-end/modern. I appreciate the comments Reno.

OcularInk Oct. 10 '09

Not sure if you're aware of it, but GeniusLogo did a very similar logo not too long ago. You may want to check out his portfolio.

AMP Oct. 10 '09

i was not aware, but i just checked it out and you are totally right. i think it's different enough, you? it's hard to be completely unique when you use a circular shape. let's be real, circles are everywhere in logos, haha - i know i use them a lot :)


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