by ABgD • Uploaded: Feb. 13 '09
Word mark, I am designing to reflect my own identity. Word ABGD (pronounced Abjad) is spelled out right to left, with Abgd being an arabic word. Abgd literally means letter A B G and D representing the original order of phonecian alphabet. The closest example today can be seen in Greek (Alpha, Beta, Gama, Delta). The philosophy at Abgd (design services) is a workflow in a proper order.
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My English is not good, but I will make the attempt.*The contrast of colors is fantastic, the lines give a yellow post enigmatic air. I liked his work enough.*I wanted to thank you and your critical comments, thank you very much.*If it does not bother I ask her to critique this work:*
ReplyThanks for ur comment yummta :) much appreciated :) if anyone can critique at the minute level possible. I will appreciate. Critique the kerning, x-height, aligining, baseline adjustments, typesetting , anything that needs to be adressed, I want this wordmark PERFECT. :) Help me guys
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